Webinar – Philosophies and Theories of Early Care and Learning
Theories about how children grow and learn influence both education and child care. Studying and understanding the historical foundations of past practitioners and theorists in this field will help us implement current methods and theory more effectively, understand our connections to the past, provide inspiration for our work and a sense of pride in our roles as co-creators of an active curriculum. Today’s practitioners will be tomorrow’s leaders and the future historical figures in the field. During this workshop participants will research, analyse and compare four education philosophies: Fröbel, Montessori, Reggio and Waldorf, to reflect on what is quality and how it relates to our current practice, methods and theory.
Living Inquiries:
- Well-being and belonging
- Others, materials and the world
- Communication and literacies
- Identities, Social Responsibility and Diversity
- Joy in relationships with people, place, materials and ideas.
- Culture and worldviews.
- Safety and respect.
- Every child is a gift.
- Interests and inquiries.
- Knowledge and theories.
- Social responsibility and justice.
Suitable for students, parents, intermediate and experienced early care and learning professionals working with children of all ages, from infants/toddlers to school age children, including children with extra support needs.
Facilitator(s): Nora Mejia
Nora has worked for Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre as a Professional Learning Program Coordinator since 2007. She prepares and delivers professional development opportunities for Early Care and Learning Professionals, on a wide range of topics related to healthy child development, supporting children’s holistic well-being and anti-bias education for young children. Her work in ECE is inspired by the First People’s Principles of Learning, the Reggio Emilia approach as well as her Montessori Training. She has been enjoying working with educators, children and their families in a varity of settings and projects for over 25 years.
Register here: Webinar – Philosophies and Theories of Early Care and Learning 4810-8100 :: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre
- Capacity: Spaces Available