Understanding & Supporting Children with ADHD
Discover some great tips on how to embrace the great advantages of having ADHD/ADD. Understand how to support the child’s needs through inclusive activities that strengthen the relationships of the child living with ADD/ADHD, as well as strategies to assist the child with organizing thoughts, routines, circle time behaviour and transitions in school age care setting. Find ways to support the many wonderful attributes of living with ADD/ADHD, so that children learn how to channel their energy through creativity, leadership, responsibility and friendship.
Christie has been the Coordinator of Little Mountain Out of School Care since 2003. She has her ECE, Special Needs and School Age Certification, as well as Applied Behavioural Certificate. Christie has worked with children aged infancy to adolescence. She has enjoyed work experiences in Vancouver, Australia and New Zealand. She views her role as a great way to make a positive impact on a child and family’s life.
Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.
Pro D Certificate: Yes, 4 hours.
Online registration link: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ygv/activity/search/detail/4182?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
- Capacity: Spaces Available