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BC Professional  

The Early Years Professional Development portal gives Child Care Resource and Referral programs an online platform to promote learning opportunities for Early Childhood Educators and Families throughout B.C.


Jan 19 2023


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm




In Person

Talking Temperament – Deepening Our Understanding of Ourselves and Others

Understanding children’s behaviour through the lens of temperament. Have you ever wondered why you or others in your life react or behave in a certain way?

This workshop will introduce the concept of “temperament” and will explore nine temperament traits and how this understanding will affect every interaction and relationship, we have in life. You will learn to recognize and interpret temperament traits in yourself and others, and understand how this may impact your relationships with family, colleagues, clients, friends, and the children you work with.

At the end of this session, you will become more aware of your own behaviour and have a glimpse into the behaviour of those around you through the temperament lens. You will be able to apply this knowledge around temperament in your personal and professional life.

Presenters: Darcy Morgan and Debra Phillipson


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