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Home Events - Early Years BC ECE Professional Practice In Person Inclusive Child Care Supporting One, Supporting All: Collaborative Support Models for Inclusive Learning Communities


Dec 02 2023


9:00 am - 1:30 pm



Supporting One, Supporting All: Collaborative Support Models for Inclusive Learning Communities

Richmond early learning professionals are invited to attend this 3-hour weekend workshop and lunch hosted by the CCRR and Richmond School District.

The goals of inclusion have continued to shift and evolve, as we learn more about diversity and identity. The Inclusive planning process is aiming to situate Disability as an identity, not a deficit, and so to determine what supports and strategies children require, teams are shifting to look at needs, instead of disabilities, as a reference point. In this way, planning for inclusive learning environments can be universal, and anticipate needs of everyone in a community. In this session we will connect to Universal Design for Learning principles and look at how we can plan for a child with a disability, in ways that can support many children in a learning community.

Notes for registrants:

  • Register by Nov 8th to receive a copy of Shelley’s Book!
  • Doors open at 9:00am
  • The workshop starts at 9:30am until 12:30pm
  • Lunch will be provided after the workshop (vegetarian option provided)
  • Capacity: Spaces Available
  • Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event

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