Supporting Children with Anxiety
Everyone experiences anxiety at one time or another. At what point does it become a concern? How can we tell when children are feeling anxious? How do we know when to create safety and comfort? When do we encourage children to bravely face their fears? This workshop will explore these questions and how anxiety effects our brains and bodies. Learn tips and strategies for supporting children with anxiety that can also be applied to ourselves.
Carrie Liske is an Art Therapist and Registered Clinical Counsellor working in private practice in Nanaimo. She is passionate about engaging the creative process to support children and their families struggling with anxiety and other challenges. Carrie also spent several years working in childcare prior to her counselling career. She is the proud mother of three school aged children.
Suitable for child care providers, child care workforce, and parents.
Registration Link:
- Capacity: Filling Up
- Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event