Risky Play in the Digital Age Workshop: Embracing Challenge & Nurturing Growth
Dive into an engaging 4-hour workshop where we’ll explore the world of Risky Play, a pivotal element in the comprehensive growth and development of a child. Grasp the numerous benefits it offers and learn how to integrate it safely and effectively into your programs. We’ll also discuss the complexities of ‘weapons play’ that so often emerges during socio-dramatic play sessions and discuss its potential challenges. In today’s digital era, screens play a prominent role in our lives. In addition, participants will examine how our digital lifestyles intersect with Risky Play, shedding light on the associated risks and benefits, and emphasising the significance of integrating digital stewardship in our programs. Join us in ensuring our children thrive in both the physical and digital realms.
Living Inquiries:
Well-being and belonging.
Engagement with others, materials, and the world.
Risky play, when approached thoughtfully, nurtures a child’s sense of well-being and fosters a robust sense of belonging. We’ll discuss how children, through safe yet challenging play scenarios, can develop a deeper connection to their environment, peers, and communities. We’ll emphasise the importance of creating inclusive spaces where every child feels seen, heard, and valued, making them confident risk-takers and active participants in their learning journey.
Recognize how Risky Play acts as a catalyst for children to explore their surroundings and express their understanding of the world. This workshop will provide insights into how kids use play as a medium of self-expression, fostering their creativity and innovative spirit. We’ll also address how ‘weapons play’ during socio-dramatic play sessions can be safely integrated into programming, furthering a child’s innate desire to make sense of the world around them.
As digital screens become more ingrained in our lives, we’ll further explore how our digital lifestyles intertwine with Risky Play. Together, we’ll uncover the balance between physical exploration and digital experiences, ensuring our children flourish in an ever-evolving world.
Suitable for ECE students, parents, intermediate and experienced early care and learning professionals working with children of all ages, from infants/toddlers to school age children, including children with extra support needs.
Facilitator(s): Tylers Summers
Tyler Summers has held numerous leadership positions in both the public and private sectors for over 30 years, establishing an excellent reputation as an Administrator, Educator and Skilled Facilitator. Tyler served as the Master Facilitator for Westcoast, playing a crucial part in developing and rolling out a province-wide pilot for the Administration & Management for Child Care Course. This involved delivering curriculum through digital platforms to a diverse audience of Instructors. As the Executive Director at Jericho Kids’ Club Child Care Society, he spearheaded the organisation, ensuring its alignment with the institution’s philosophy and mission, and leading to the creation of additional licensed care spaces. Additionally, Tyler has been an Early Childhood Care and Education Instructor at Vancouver Community College and Douglas College, imparting essential material for ECCE certification. Presently, Tyler is the Co-Founder and Principal at The Summers Life Creative Inc., a marketing and social media firm with a specialisation in the education domain. Throughout his career, his consistent dedication has centred around championing the rights of early and middle-years children and their families, promoting access to affordable, high-quality education.
- Capacity: Filling Up
- Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event