(Re)Designing your Child Care Environment
(Re)Designing your child care environment – the why, the how, and the why not. This workshop will invite educators to use their imagination and funds of knowledge to (re)design their ECCE environments. Annabella will share pivotal learning environment features by considering the complexity of factors that contribute to children’s health, safety, and creative opportunities, without provoking sensorial overloads. She will share her own story of learning and how a horse chestnut shook her pedagogy. The workshop will be structured around the six themes of an “unswaddling pedagogy”: openess, trust, relationship, movement, identity, and affect.
Dr. Annabella Cant is a professor in Early Childhood Education at Capilano University and the Convenor of the Centre for Research and Childhood Studies. Annabella was recently nominated by her university for the BCTLC West Coast Teaching Excellence Award. She has previously received the Teaching Excellence Award from Capilano University. Annabella is a member of the Academic Council of the Centre for Imagination in Research, Culture, and Education.
Suitable for child care providers and child care workforce.
Join us 9:00-9:30am for light refreshments!
Registration Link: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ygv/activity/search/detail/10349?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
- Capacity: Full