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BC Professional  

The Early Years Professional Development portal gives Child Care Resource and Referral programs an online platform to promote learning opportunities for Early Childhood Educators and Families throughout B.C.


May 09 2023 - Aug 08 2023


6:30 pm - 8:30 pm




In Person

Neurodiversity and the Myth of Normal

The terms Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence are popping up all over our fields right now.  These terms relate to the variation in neurological functioning in humans the same way biodiversity relates to the variation in life on earth at the genetic, species and ecosystem level.  The neurodiversity movement asks us to recognize that there is no actual ‘normal’ way to perceive the world and appreciate that many people experience the world differently from ourselves and that is natural. In this workshop, Pam will introduce the terms and the history so we can support neurodivergent children and truly build inclusive environments.

  • Capacity: Spaces Available

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