Making It Fun: Engaging Activities for Children
This workshop looks at how to infuse more fun and engaging activities for children in child-care settings. Having fun with children builds safe and caring relationships, helps address challenging behaviours, and provides positive experiences. Join us as we share ideas and successes that can help you in your work supporting children.
Cris Janicas has been a teacher with the Vancouver School Board since 2012. He is currently a District Resource Teacher focused on collaborating with schools to support students with challenging behaviours. He earned his Bachelor of Education from SFU and completed recent graduate programs focused on arts and health & physical education. He has been married for 14 years and has two sons.
Join us 6:00-6:30pm for light refreshments!
Suitable for child care providers and child care workforce.
Registration Link:
- Capacity: Spaces Available
- Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event