Learning Literacy through Singing & Creative Art Mediums
In this workshop the participants learn about the importance of early literacy and creative art experiences and leave the workshop with information based on research as well as practical, creative, and inexpensive strategies to enhance creativity and literacy in a childcare setting.
In the first half of the workshop, we will focus on the topic of literacy skills through discussions, singing and enjoy a circle time together. We will talk about phonemic and phonological awareness and how music, songs and storytelling can be used to enhance these skills. Come ready to sing and to share your favourite and unique songs, rhymes and finger plays! We will also talk about how singing, music, rhymes and finger plays help children develop listening skills and hear the rhythms and rhymes of language.
In the second half of the workshop, we will focus our discussions on the topic of creativity through different art mediums and explore some hands on experiences. We will also talk about how we can provide children to express their ideas in hundred languages and encourage investigations and inquiries thought art.” Pooja has a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education. She has 23 years of experience in the Early childhood field as a teacher, facilitator, supervisor, director and instructor. She is very passionate about finding ways to promote children’s creativity and expression of discovery. She currently teaches at Langara College in the ECE department.
Suitable for all early learning professionals and parents.
Pro D certificate: Yes, 4 hours.
Online Registration link: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ygv/activity/search/detail/6113?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
- Capacity: Full