Gender in the Classroom
This workshop looks at discussing how we represent gender in the classroom in an inclusive environment. Looking at critical literacy with the power books hold on children’s images of gender through representation. This workshop also looks at addressing how we as educators may be influenced by our ideas of gender roles and how they become portrayed in the classroom, discussing ways to make our classrooms inclusive for all children, regardless of gender. Does touch on the topics of trans & non-binary families & children and pronouns.
Ashleigh Davies is an early childhood educator with her bachelors in ECCE and has worked with children in a variety of roles over the last decade. Ashleigh has worked as a post-secondary instructor, leading ECE post-basic courses, and currently is the assistant manager and municipal consultant with North Shore CCRR. Ashleigh presents her workshops throughout Canada, bringing her passion for ECE into every session and can be found online as Pedagogyandchill.
- Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event