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Home Events - Early Years BC Cultural Safety Curriculum/Program Development In Person Inclusive Child Care Indigenous FREE Two Day Workshop – Aansaamb aen kiskayhtaamuk – Learning Together – Discussions around the Metis Culture Kits


Feb 21 2024


The second day is Saturday February 24, time will be 9:30-1:30
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm




In Person

FREE Two Day Workshop – Aansaamb aen kiskayhtaamuk – Learning Together – Discussions around the Metis Culture Kits

Session One: provides a brief foundational overview of who the Métis are and why it is important to include Métis content and pedagogy in early childhood education. Introduces the Métis core values related to learning. It also addresses the concept of cultural safety and provides tips on how to create a culturally safe learning environment to support the wellbeing of all children.

Session Two: provides information on how to use our cultural resources. This includes a description of the resources and suggested opportunities for learning and investigation. These suggestions have been created to align with the B.C. Early Learning Framework. We end by discussing how to collaborate with Métis    communities.

Farzaneh has been in Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Infant and Toddler (IT) field for the last 23 years. She earned her ECE and IT certification from Douglas College. Her career began with teaching and  supervising ECE students during their practicums at different colleges.

For the past five years, Farzaneh worked for North Shore Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) team. She helped child care providers, families, and the community on North Shore. She also worked with local  Municipalities to assist potential clients in opening facilities and answering their questions.

Recently, Farzaneh joined MNBC (Métis Nation British Columbia) as a Child Care Coordinator. In her new role, she conducts workshops in the Lower Mainland and helps Métis citizens apply for the MCCB (Métis Child Care Benefit) and support the child care providers enrolled in the program.

You do not need to attend both workshops. It is encouraged as it’s a continuation but certificates will be provided separately for each day. Please answer the question upon registration if you are attending one or both.

  • Capacity: Spaces Available
  • Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event

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