Expressive Art Self Care
This workshop will explore the theme of self-care using both visual art and creative writing. It will be an interac8ve workshop that encourages sharing and learning from each other’s insights and wisdom. Participants will be given the opportunity to engage with art materials and the crea8ve wri8ng process to witness first-hand how this process has the potential to connect with and nurture care for self, as well as build connections and bridges to others as we encounter our shared humanity through the creative process.
Johanna Suttor-Doerksen (she/her) is a Certified Expressive Arts Therapist and Registered Therapeutic Counsellor. In her private practice she enjoys creating a safe space for people to encounter and connect with themselves using art, creative writing, play, movement, and imagination. In addition, she holds a BA in Conflict Resolution Studies and has over 12 years of experience working in the non-profit sector with a focus on Community Development, Restorative Justice, Housing Advocacy and Management.
Suitable for child care providers and child care workforce.
Join us 9:30-10:00am for light refreshments!
Registration Link:
- Capacity: Spaces Available
- Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Single Event