Emergency Preparedness for Child Care Workers
This workshop will help participants plan, prepare, and create emergency preparedness plans and kits for work and home. Customizing all hazard emergency plans and kits for your homes and work sites is critical to being able to know when it’s time to stay or leave in an emergency regardless of the incident being a flood, fire, or earthquake. Personal preparedness builds confidence and capacity during challenging times. Participants will receive tips and tools to help them get started on new ways to look at Emergency preparedness and planning.
Presenter Bio:
Carolyn started her company, Strategic Business Risks Inc. (SBRI) 24 years ago. One of the services SBRI delivers is customized training and resources for responding to critical incidents, emergencies and disaster response and recovery. For more than 23 years she has been an instructor with the Justice Institute teaching in the Emergency Management Division as well as the Centre for Counselling and Community Safety.
Please contact the East Kootenay CCRR to register:
ekccrr@ccssebc.com or 250-426-5677
- Capacity: Spaces Available