20 Hour Responsible Adult for Child Care Training Course
This course meets the requirements for 20 hours for “Responsible Adult” as stipulated by Child Care Licensing Regulations. The content covers child development, guiding behaviour, health, safety, nutrition and programming. The course is live and interactive, so participants must have video and audio capabilities, as well as participate and attend all sessions in order to receive the certification at the end of the course.
In order to sign up for this course participants must:
– Be 19 years of age
– Have minimum grade 8 English written and oral skills
– Attend all scheduled sessions
– Once the training is complete, participants are eligible to work as a Responsible Adult in:
– School Aged Care Centres
- Licensed Family Child Care Centres
– As additional support or substitutes in Licensed Preschool and Daycare programs
- Summer Camps
Crystal currently works as a consultant at the YMCA CCRR where she enjoys planning engaging and inspiring training opportunities for child care providers and parents. She has been an Early Childhood Educator for over 25 years. Crystal has her diploma in ECE, Infant Toddlers and Special Needs. She has supervised in a variety of inclusive child care settings including preschool, Infant Toddler, and Out of School Care programs. Crystal is passionate about providing quality child care programs, and supporting families and child care providers in the community.
Suitable for child care providers and child care workforce.
Registration Link: https://anc.ca.apm.activecommunities.com/ygv/activity/search/detail/8420?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
- Capacity: Spaces Available
- Is this a single event or an ongoing course?: Ongoing Course